Thursday, August 29, 2013

How old is he?

This is most common question we get and the one that is hardest to answer.

First, I understand that when looking at Piper, you can't tell she's a girl. I don't have bows for her to wear (because her head is too big for all the headbands I have), her hair is thinning more and more each day (probably due to said head-sze problem), and we don't wear a lot of pink around here. And, when shes wrapped in a blanket that is a hand-me-down from her cousin Marco (a boy, I'll just make clear), it's no surpirse people assume shes' a male.

Like when she looks like this:
In her sleeping sack, which is blue, but makes her happy just the same.
So she looks like a boy. No big deal. I usually just go with it.

What surprises me is when people (namely doctors and nurses) say "How is Piper doing today? Do you have any concerns for him?"


Is "Piper" a gender-nuetral name? I don't think I have ever met a male named Piper (Peter doesn't count). So odd.

Second, I never know how to answer the question about her age without dumping Our Life Story into my answer. If I give her real age (5 months!), it's usually followed by, "Really?! She's so tiny!" "When my kids were that age . . ." I usually give her adjusted age, which only becomes awkward when they have follow up questions like when she was born . . . uh, 5 months ago . . . It's awkward.
2 months old, waiting to leave the NICU.
2 months, adjusted.

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